Health & Safety
Voluntary Self-Exclusion Program
The Self-Exclusion Program is for persons seeking help with their gambling problems
Obtain Free Breast & Cervical Cancer Screenings
The Illinois Breast and Cervical Cancer Program (IBCCP) offers free mammograms, breast exams, pelvic exams and Pap tests to eligible women in Illinois, without insurance, 35 to 64 years old. Call the Women's Health Line to enroll.
Organ/Tissue Donor Registry (Life Goes On)
Illinois Organ and Tissue Directory is a confidential computerized database that documents a person's wishes regarding donation. Information contained in the registry is only released to organ and tissue procurement personnel and medical examiners after all efforts to save a person's life have failed.
File Railroad Safety Complaint
File a railroad safety complaint
Illinois Operation Lifesaver
Information dealing with railroad safety, education and outreach.
Find Criminal Justice Data
The Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority is dedicated to improving the administration of criminal justice with work in the areas of grants administration, research and analysis, policy and planning, and information systems and technology.
Public Accommodations Charge of Discrimination
The Illinois Department of Human Rights investigates charges of Public Accommodations discrimination filed against: business, recreation, lodging, entertainment, or transportation facility; a public official; or, a place of education.
Illinois Roads Interactive Map
Web-based interactive mapping site that provides the ability to search and display several sources of transportation data. You can find information on winter road conditions, annual average daily traffic, road construction, trucking routes, and planned road projects.
Medical Cannabis Patient Registry Program
In August 2013, Illinois became the 20th state to authorize a program for the cultivation and dispensing of cannabis for medical purposes. The Medical Cannabis Registry Program is a statewide program that allows patients access to medical marijuana who meet one of the qualifying conditions. The Illinois Department of Public Health manages the registry by reviewing and processing applications and issuing registry cards to Illinois residents meeting program requirements. IDPH protects patient confidentiality while striving to ensure timely accessibility to cannabis for registered patients.
Local Health Department Search
There are 97 certified local health departments across Illinois that can provide numerous services and information such as restaurant inspections, immunizations, and healthy living programs.
Air Quality Notifications Sign-Up
Know your air quality! Elevated levels of air pollution, specifically ozone and particulate matter, can changes the outdoor air quality. Register for Illinois EnviroFlash alerts and receive Air Quality notifications for your area.
Environmental Database Searches
Search the Illinois EPA Agency inventory for facility information.
Locate Reported Sites for Public Water Supply-Related Groundwater Contamination
Link to notices and news releases to alert private well users to groundwater contamination that may threaten their wells.
Drinking Water Watch
Drinking Water Watch provides online information on the quality of water produced by community water supplies in Illinois.
Resources on Lead
Links to helpful information regarding Lead in Drinking Water, Testing for Lead in Schools/Daycares, Lead Poisoning & Prevention and Lead-Based Paint Removal
Emergency Contact Search
Emergency Contact Database allows you to voluntarily enter one or two individuals to serve as your emergency contacts in the event you are involved in a traffic crash or have a medical emergency where you cannot communicate directly with law enforcement or emergency responders. The Emergency Contact Database also allows you to enter basic medical information such as disabilities, medical conditions or special needs.
Vehicle Emissions Test Location Search
Use the Testing Station Locator to find a vehicle emissions test station near you. You will also be able to view wait times and get directions.
Test My Vehicle for Emissions
General information on Vehicle Emissions Testing including links to test station locator. Additional information is available at
Test Well Water
The information on this page is from the Testing Private Well Water brochure produced jointly by the Illinois EPA and Illinois Department of Public Health.
Watercraft & Snowmobile Renewal
Drivers can find information about renewing watercraft and snowmobiles.
Locate a Warming Center
Links to list of Warming Centers in each Illinois county
Cooling Centers Search
Links to list of Cooling Centers in each Illinois county
Illinois Methamphetamine Manufacturer Search
This database was created pursuant to Public Act 094-0831 which required that persons convicted under 720 ILCS 646/15, Participation in Methamphetamine Manufacturing, be identified with that information made available to law enforcement and the general public.
Obtain a Copy of a Traffic Crash Report
To obtain a copy of a crash report handled by the Illinois State Police, first verify the Illinois State Police actually handled the traffic crash report. To determine who handled the traffic crash report, please refer to the "Investigated By" box located in the upper left corner of the motorist report. If this box does not indicate "Illinois State Police", please contact the listed investigating agency to obtain a copy of your traffic crash report.
Use Safety Seat Belts Properly
For adults and older children (who are big enough for seat belts to fit properly ), seat belt use is the most effective way to save lives and reduce injuries in crashes. Yet millions do not buckle up on every trip.
Firearm Owners Identification (FOID) Card Address Change
FOID card holders may request a name or address change to their FOID card by completing the request through the ISP website at and clicking on the "FIREARM SERVICES" button under Agency Features, then under FOID card, click Enter.
Concealed Carry License
On July 9, 2013, Public Act 98-63, the Firearm Concealed Carry Act became state law (430 ILCS 66). This law requires an Illinois Concealed Carry License to carry a concealed firearm in Illinois.
Illinois State Police Citizen Survey
The Illinois State Police continues to seek improvements in the quality of the services it provides to the people living in or visiting Illinois. As part of the effort to improve services, we ask that you share your opinions about the Illinois State Police. Please take a few moments to complete this survey. Your response will be part of the ongoing planning effort to place State Police resources where they are most needed, while addressing concerns of Illinois citizens.
Locate Registered Sex Offenders
Illinois Compiled Statutes (730 ILCS 152/115 (a) and (b)) mandate that the Illinois State Police ("ISP") establish and maintain a statewide Sex Offender Database, accessible on the Internet, identifying persons who have been convicted of certain sex offenses and/or crimes against children and must register as a Sex Offender.
Prevent Child Abduction
Teaching children about abduction safety is important, but the ultimate responsibility lies with trusted adults. Use these tips to help you learn more about abduction and how to better protect your child.
Apply for a Firearm Owners Identification (FOID) Card
To legally possess firearms or ammunition, Illinois residents must have a Firearm Owners Identification (FOID) card, which is issued by the Illinois State Police to any qualified applicant.
Apply for Snap (Food Stamps) & Medical Assistance
There are several ways to apply for Cash, SNAP (formerly Food Stamps), and Medical Assistance.
Food Stamp Eligibility Calculator
Determine eligibility for SNAP benefits
Take Boating, Hunting, & Snowmobiling Safety Courses
Visitors can learn information about taking boating, hunting, and snowmobiling safety courses in Illinois.
Pipeline Safety Program
The Illinois Commerce Commission’s Natural Gas Pipeline Safety section is charged with inspection and enforcement activities applicable to intrastate natural gas transmission, distribution, gathering pipeline facilities, liquified natural gas and liquid propane gas meeting 49CFR §192.1 (5) requirements.
Radon Licensed Professionals List
IEMA licenses radon measurement and mitigation professionals to ensure they have the required training and knowledge to provide these services. This link enables you to search for licensed professionals in your area.
Disaster Response Volunteer Opportunities
In addition to providing assistance before and during disasters, volunteers can be utilized after a disaster or emergency for a variety of tasks. These links provide information on several volunteer opportunities in Illinois.
Prevent Fires
Services include criminal investigations (arson); inspections for fire prevention and life safety, under- and above- ground tanks, boilers and pressure vessels, and elevators; firefighter certification and outreach; public education; and plan reviews.
Fire Marshal Information for the Public
Services include criminal investigations (arson); inspections for fire prevention and life safety, private school inspection program, consumer fireworks information, youth firesetter intervention, and public education.
Firefighter Training and Promotions
As part of the Illinois firefighter promotion process, a candidate's qualifications are evaluated by a Joint Labor and Management Committee (JLMC) Assessor. The JLMC assessors must meet requirements of their own which are also established by the JLMC. Certified JLMC assessors will be listed here.
Become an Organ / Tissue Donor
The Life Goes On link allows you to register as an Organ Donor as well as give information about becoming an organ donor
Advocacy: Long-Term Care Ombudsman
Advocacy program aimed at protecting and improving long-term care residents’ quality of life.
Find the Right Long-Term Care Facility
Persons ages 60+ seeking admission into a nursing home must go through the IDoA screening process. During the process, all persons seeking information are provided with all short and long-term care options, regardless of income or DON score.
Automated Medication Dispenser Program
The Medication Management Demonstration (MMDP) seeks to reduce medication error rates and improve outcomes in clients who have historically been challenged by managing multiple medications at home. An in-home assessment will be completed for each client and a certified pharmacist will conduct comprehensive medication reconciliation and review.
Locate Emergency Food & Shelter
The Emergency and Transitional Housing Program gives immediate and comprehensive shelter services to homeless persons and persons at risk of becoming homeless.
Obtain Disability & Rehabilitation Assistance
Find more information about services and assistance available to individuals with disabilities.
Obtain Alcoholism & Addiction Assistance
Find support and treatment services for alcoholism & addiction through an extensive treatment provider network throughout the State of Illinois.
Obtain Mental Health Care
Learn about services available to those in need of mental health care.
Obtain Health Insurance Assistance
A free consumer assistance resource that helps you with health insurance questions and complaints.
Obtain Domestic Violence Assistance
Domestic violence programs located throughout Illinois provide safety assistance to victims of domestic violence. They are free and private. Services include a 24-hour crisis hotline, counseling, legal advocacy, temporary food and housing, and more.
Maintain Safe Drinking Water in My Well
Information for private well owners.
Safely & Environmentally Dispose of Pharmaceuticals
The Illinois EPA has launched an initiative in collaboration with partners in both the private and public sector to promote environmentally responsible disposal of unwanted/expired medications.
Manage Asbestos in My House or Apartment
This publication is intended to provide a general understanding of the statutory and regulatory requirements governing managing asbestos.
Treat Contaminated Well Water
Well water treatment can range from simply disinfecting your well to installing a large treatment system. There are many aspects to consider when purchasing water treatment equipment.
Report Child Abuse & Neglect
Every year in Illinois, child abuse and neglect goes unreported. Experts tell us that one in five children will be abused or neglected before they turn 18 years old. When you call the DCFS Child Abuse Hotline, you are joining every day Illinoisans who make the socially-responsible choice to keep kids safe and get families the help they need, before it is too late.