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ICC encourages household water conservation during Fix-a-Leak Week

Press Release - Monday, March 17, 2025

Springfield, IL - The Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC) is encouraging Illinoisans to check their household plumbing fixtures and irrigation systems for leaks as a part of national Fix-a-Leak Week this March 17-23.

"Household leaks waste approximately 1 trillion gallons of water in the US each year. That's enough to fill 1.5 million Olympic swimming pools or supply water to 11 million homes," said ICC Chairman Doug Scott. "With minor fixes, Illinoisans can easily conserve water and save as much as 10 percent on their utility bills."

EPA's WaterSense® program has several tips to help detect and fix leaks:
  • Look at your winter water bills. If your water usage exceeds 12,000 gallons/month for a family of four or less or you see spikes on your water bill, you likely have a serious leak.
  • Read your water meter before and after a two-hour period when no water is being used. Any changes to the meter mean you have a leak.
  • Place a few drops of food coloring into the tank of your toilet. If after ten minutes the color shows up in the bowl, you have a leak.
  • Replace worn-out toilet flappers to stop a running toilet.
  • Make sure there is a tight connection between your showerhead and pipe stem to stop leaks. Pipe or Teflon tape is an easy fix to control minor leaks. For serious showerhead leaks, contact a licensed plumber.
  • Replace worn-out faucet washers and gaskets to stop faucet leaks.
Always be sure to turn off the water line before starting repairs. Unsure about how to start? EPA WaterSense® has a list tutorials to fix minor leaks or call a licensed plumber.

For more tips read the ICC's water conservation guide and visit EPA WaterSense®.

About the Illinois Commerce Commission

The Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC) is a quasi-judicial body made up of five Commissioners.  Through its Public Utility Program, the Commission oversees the provision of adequate, reliable, efficient, and safe utility services at the least possible cost to Illinois citizens served by electric, natural gas, telecommunications, water, and sewer public utility companies.  Through its Transportation Regulatory Program, the Commission oversees public safety and consumer protection programs with regard to intrastate commercial motor carriers of general freight, household goods movers, relocation towers, safety towers, personal property warehouses, and repossession agencies. The Commission's Rail Safety Program also inspects and regulates the general safety of railroad tracks, facilities, and equipment in the state.

To learn more about the Commission, its offices, and bureaus, click here. If you are a consumer who needs help resolving a utility dispute call 800-524-0795 or file an online complaint here.  For transportation complaints, call 847-294-4326.

Follow the Illinois Commerce Commission on social media @ILCommerceComm.

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