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Illinois EPA Announces $14 Million in Funding for Rehabilitation of Water Distribution System and Removal of Lead Service Lines in Dixmoor

Press Release - Monday, July 24, 2023

SPRINGFIELD — Illinois Environmental Protection Agency Director John J. Kim today announced a total of $14 million in funding to the Village of Dixmoor. A $10 million grant, made available through Gov. Pritzker's historic Rebuild Illinois Capital Plan, will provide for construction improvements to rehabilitate the water distribution system, and restore reliable potable water within the Village. An additional $4 million in funding is being provided to the Village for lead service line replacement through Illinois EPA's State Revolving Fund (SRF) loan program.

"Every resident has a right to safe and reliable drinking water and functional infrastructure, and our Rebuild Illinois capital plan is investing across the State to correct those inequities," said Governor JB Pritzker. "Today, I am proud to announce a total of $14 million in funding that will bring updated and reliable infrastructure to the Village of Dixmoor and remove lead service lines from their distribution system."

"The Village of Dixmoor has been faced with the costly challenge of repairing their aging and deteriorating drinking water infrastructure," said Director Kim. "With no repayment required from the Village, these funds will allow for the rehabilitation of the existing water distribution system to provide a reliable drinking water source to residents and proactively remove the public health threat caused by lead service lines within the community."

The $10 million in grant funding announced today will be used by the Village to install Phase 2 pump station improvements, improve the existing ground storage reservoir, constructing a 750,000-gallon elevated storage tank, complete a Village-wide water meter replacement program, replace approximately 40 water valves and 12 fire hydrants throughout the Village, and replace approximately 10,500 feet of 6" and 8" arterial water main with new 12" water main. These improvements will reduce the frequency and impact of watermain breaks experienced within the water distribution system.

"Ensuring communities have updated, safe, and healthy access to water is a form of justice, and this investment is a major step in providing a pathway to the people of Dixmoor," said Lt. Governor Juliana Stratton. "This is yet another testament to our commitment to meeting the needs of every Illinoisan through the Rebuild Illinois capital plan so we can thrive together."

"Dixmoor has been through a lot but there is finally some light at the end of the tunnel," said Dixmoor Mayor Fitzgerald Roberts. "I thank God, Governor Pritzker and his team, our tremendous Village staff, and Melanie Arnold and the great professionals at Robinson Engineering for all of the work they have done making this grant possible. I also thank the residents of Dixmoor for the patience they have shown. We are closer than ever to finally resolving the water issues that have plagued our community for far too long. I am grateful and humbled by the support Dixmoor has received."

The additional $4 million in funding is being provided through the Illinois EPA's SRF which offers low-interest loan funding for drinking water, wastewater, and stormwater projects. The funding is being provided in the form of principal forgiveness, so the Village will not have to repay the $4 million in funding. The Village will replace an estimated 312 lead service lines within the community.

Lead is a toxic metal that can accumulate in the body over time. Lead can enter drinking water when corrosion of pipes and/or fixtures occurs. Service lines are small pipes that carry drinking water from water mains into homes. Many older homes built prior to 1990 may have lead service lines or lead containing plumbing fixtures or faucets. Eliminating lead service lines in homes will help to reduce lead exposure for residents. For resources on lead in your home, visit:

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