Press Release - Monday, June 06, 2022
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Governor Pritzker Announces $20 Million Investment in Humboldt Park Health
CHICAGO - Governor Pritzker joined Humboldt Park Health leaders to announce $20 million in funding for the safety-net hospital on the west side of Chicago, a product of the Governor's historic Rebuild Illinois infrastructure plan. $19 million will establish the new, state-of-the-art Humboldt Park Health Wellness Center - set to open 18 months after construction kicks off this summer - and an additional $1 million is supporting infrastructure improvements throughout the hospital.
"Every single Illinoisan deserves the opportunity to be as healthy as possible regardless of their race, gender, age, economic status, or zip code," said Governor JB Pritzker. "As another step to advance that mission, I'm proud to announce a $20 million investment from our Rebuild Illinois capital plan to establish the new, state-of-the-art Humboldt Park Health Wellness Center - a community hub for wellbeing in all its forms."
The new Humboldt Park Health Wellness Center will serve as a low-cost community hub for area residents to access exercise equipment, individual and group fitness classes, swimming facilities, community gathering spaces, and much more. The facility will increase access to preventative care and early interventions for the predominantly Latino community, which in turn greatly reduce hospitalizations and lower medical costs.
"At HFS, we make health equity central to everything we do each day," said Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services Director Theresa Eagleson. "Through their participation in our Healthcare Transformation Collaboratives and all of the work that they're doing in the community, Humboldt Park Health is a strong partner in the mission to advance health equity in Illinois."
Advancing Healthcare Equity
This funding builds on the Pritzker administration's commitment to equity in the healthcare space. In March of 2021, Governor Pritzker signed into law the Hospital and Healthcare Transformation Bill, increasing access to community-based health services and creating innovative collaborations that bridge gaps in the delivery of care. With support from federal matching funds, Illinois is investing up to $150 million annually into collaboratives that fill healthcare gaps and focus on underlying health conditions in areas high on the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's social vulnerability index scale, communities that have been disproportionately affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and areas served by critical access and safety net hospitals, including rural parts of the state.
On June 30, 2021, the state announced the funding for the first round of Healthcare Transformation Collaboratives funding. The collaboratives that have received funding demonstrated equity-focused solutions and demonstrated innovative visions for closing gaps and removing access barriers to quality health care for people in their communities, to help achieve the ultimate goal of reimagining the health care system in Illinois.
Just last month, the first ribbon cutting was held for one of the Healthcare Transformation Collaboratives, the 55th and Pulaski Health Collaborative, which is based in the Gage Park/West Elsdon community.
Humboldt Park Health is a partner in two collaboratives: Westside Health Equity Collaborative, which seeks to increase convenient access to culturally responsive healthcare, supporting the unique and changing socio-economic needs of individuals and families on the Westside of Chicago, a community with one of the highest social vulnerability indexes in Illinois. Humboldt Park Health is also a partner in Collaborative Bridges, which is designed to improve behavioral health and other health outcomes and reduce health care costs by creating an unprecedented continuity of care between hospitals and community, also located on the west side of Chicago.
"Increasing access to healthcare and improving health equity for our communities has been among my top priorities in the state legislatures," said Delia Ramirez (D-Chicago). "This investment into Humboldt Park Health Center is a critical step to improving the health outcomes for Humboldt Park and our neighboring communities."
"Healthy, joyful individuals contribute to safe, robust communities. By investing in the new Wellness Center, our state is working to create recreational opportunities and improve health outcomes with fitness facilities, nutritional counseling and other wellness tools," said State Senator Cristina Pacione-Zayas (D-Chicago). "Individuals in the Humboldt Park community have endured disproportionate health-related concerns both historically and throughout the recent pandemic—this center is a critical step to ensure equity for students, working families, and especially older residents."
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