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Jesse White Encourages Motorists to Renew their License Plate Stickers Online

Press Release - Friday, February 18, 2022

Illinois Secretary of State Jesse White is reminding customers with license plate stickers expiring at the end of the month that they can renew online at, print their receipt and keep that receipt in their vehicle to comply with Illinois law.

"This is a consumer friendly initiative that encourages online transactions with my office," said White. "Many customers visit our Driver Services facilities to buy their stickers the week before they are set to expire. I am reminding the public that they can make the same transaction online, and use their receipt as proof of up-to-date registration and compliance."

Motorists are allowed to drive without an up-to-date vehicle renewal sticker on their license plate as long as they have the receipt from the Secretary of State showing that they bought the sticker before expiration. The receipt is valid for up to 30 days from the expiration of the previous registration sticker's date.

Last year, 209,844 customers purchased license plate renewal stickers during the last seven days in February. Of this total, 87,520 purchased their license plate sticker online.

White initiated Public Act 98-1103, which took effect Jan. 1, 2015, to further encourage online transactions.

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