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IDOI Helps Illinois Life Insurance Holders Collect More than $5 Million in Unclaimed Funds

Press Release - Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Chicago — The Illinois Department of Insurance can help you find missing life insurance policies and collect the money you're owed from the millions of dollars in benefits that go unclaimed every year. This year, IDOI has already helped consumers find and collect more than $5 million from lost or unclaimed life insurance policies.

"Tragically, during the COVID-19 pandemic, some families have lost loved ones," said IDOI Director Robert Muriel. "We encourage anyone trying to locate a life insurance policy to use the Department's policy locator to search for unclaimed benefits."

In Illinois, insurance companies must attempt to find the beneficiaries of deceased policyholders when life insurance proceeds remain unpaid.  IDOI is here to help Illinoisans simplify the search process. 

Here in Illinois, you can check for unclaimed life insurance policies at these sites: 

• Illinois State Treasurer:
• National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC)
Life Insurance Policy Locator:

If you need additional assistance, please contact the Illinois Department of Insurance at or call (866) 445-5364.


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