Executive Order Implementing The Next Phase
Of The Millennium Reserve Initiative
WHEREAS, the Millennium Reserve is a transforming region, located within the broader Calumet Region, encompassing neighborhoods in the south side of the City of Chicago and along the Lake Michigan coast, as well as 37 south suburban municipalities near the Indiana border; and
WHEREAS, the Millennium Reserve is home to nearly one million Illinois residents; 15,000 acres of open space, including parks, trails, wetlands, and forest preserves; more than 90 nationally significant historic landmarks and districts; and notable infrastructure and economic assets that could be leveraged to strengthen commerce and accelerate job growth in sustainable industries; and
WHEREAS, the State of Illinois and regional partners launched the Millennium Reserve Initiative in 2012 to develop a shared vision and action plan for the region, with the goal of maximizing the region’s natural resources, promoting sustainable economic growth, and garnering support from public and private stakeholders to achieve those objectives; and
WHEREAS, Executive Order 2013-03 established the Millennium Reserve Steering Committee, to bring together public, non-profit, and private sector partners to lead the Millennium Reserve Initiative, to develop goals and priorities for action, and to identify specific projects of regional significance; and
WHEREAS, Executive Order 2013-03 also directed five State agencies (the Department of Natural Resources, the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity, the Department of Transportation, the Historic Preservation Agency, and the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency) to support the Millennium Reserve Initiative through the Millennium Reserve State Agency Task Force; and
WHEREAS, the Millennium Reserve Steering Committee, through the dedication and hard work of its members and with the support of the State agencies identified above, has advanced the initiative by identifying essential priorities for the region and supporting on-the-ground work that directly benefits those communities; and
WHEREAS, members of the Millennium Reserve Steering Committee have demonstrated sufficient interest and commitment to the initiative that the initiative would benefit from being established as a self-supporting, permanent organization, independent of the State, with flexibility to set its own agenda and goals; and
WHEREAS, the State will continue to support and be a partner in the Millennium Reserve Initiative;
THEREFORE, I, Bruce Rauner, Governor of Illinois, by virtue of the executive authority vested in me by Section 8 of Article V of the Constitution of the State of Illinois, do hereby order as follows:
Executive Order 2013-03, issued on March 1, 2013, is revoked and rescinded, to enable members of the Millennium Reserve Steering Committee and other supporting partners to take the necessary steps to establish a self-supporting, independent organization to continue leading the Millennium Reserve Initiative and supporting its important mission.
The Office of the Governor affirms its commitment to the goals and guiding principles of the Millennium Reserve Initiative. Notwithstanding the revocation of Executive Order 2013-03, the Millennium Reserve State Agency Task Force (the “Task Force”) is reinstated so that the member State agencies may continue to support the work of the Millennium Reserve Initiative through their existing programs and resources.
1. Composition
The Task Force shall be comprised of the director or secretary, or his or her designee, of each of the Department of Natural Resources, the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity, the Department of Transportation, the Historic Preservation Agency, and the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency, and a designee of the Office of the Governor. The Task Force may invite the participation of other State agencies, Federal agencies, and units of local government whose missions, authorities, and resources could be leveraged to implement the priorities and priority projects of the Millennium Reserve Initiative.
The Department of Natural Resources shall provide administrative support to and manage the affairs of the Task Force, and its director or designee to the Task Force shall serve as chairperson of the Task Force.
2. Responsibilities
The Task Force shall promote collaboration among government agencies and the community partners towards the goal of transforming the communities, commerce, and wildlife of the Millennium Reserve region. The Task Force may consider the recommendations, action plan, priorities, and priority projects being advanced by the successor organization to the Millennium Reserve Steering Committee and other Millennium Reserve Initiative partners. The Task Force shall identify barriers faced by Millennium Reserve Initiative partners to accessing information, technical assistance, and funding from the Task Force’s member agencies; develop sustainable policies and programs to address those barriers within each agency’s mission, authorities, and existing resources; and promote and facilitate public-private partnerships to advance the initiative’s goals.
The Task Force shall issue an annual report of its findings and recommendations to the Governor by June 30, 2017, and a final report by June 30, 2018. Upon submission of its final report, the Task Force shall be dissolved.
In addition to whatever policies or procedures it may adopt, the Task Force shall be subject to the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act (5 ILCS 140). This section shall not be construed as to preclude other statutes from applying to the Task Force and its activities.
This Executive Order does not contravene, and shall not be construed to contravene, any federal law, State statute, or collective bargaining agreement.
If any part of this Executive Order is found invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, the remaining provisions shall remain in full force and effect.
This Executive Order shall take effect immediately upon filing with the Secretary of State.
Bruce Rauner, Governor
Issued by Governor: July 14, 2016
Filed with Secretary of State: July 14, 2016