Executive Order Number 04-06 (PDF, 112 KB)

WHEREAS, Article V, Section 11 of the Illinois Constitution authorizes the Governor to reassign functions or reorganize executive agencies that are directly responsible to him by means of executive order; and
WHEREAS, Section 3.2 of the Executive Reorganization Implementation Act, 15 ILCS 15/3.2, provides that "Reorganization" includes, in pertinent part, (a) the transfer of the whole or any part of any agency, or of the whole or any part of the functions thereof, to the jurisdiction and control of any other agency, (b) the abolition of the whole or any part of any agency which does not have, or upon the taking effect of such reorganization will not have, any functions, and (c) the establishment of a new agency to perform all or any part of the functions of an existing agency or agencies; and
WHEREAS, the Department of Financial Institutions, the Department of Insurance, the Department of Professional Regulation and the Office of Banks and Real Estate are executive agencies directly responsible to the Governor which exercise the rights, powers, duties and responsibilities derived from 20 ILCS 1205 et seq., 20 ILCS 1405 et seq., 20 ILCS 2105 et seq. and 20 ILCS 3205 et seq., respectively; and
WHEREAS, substantial benefits can be achieved by the transfer of all functions (the "Functions"), respectively, of the Department of Financial Institutions, the Department of Insurance, the Department of Professional Regulation and the Office of Banks and Real Estate (the "Consolidating Agencies") into a newly created Department of Financial and Professional Regulation (the "New Agency") and the subsequent corresponding abolition of the Consolidating Agencies; and
WHEREAS, consolidating the powers, duties, rights, responsibilities and Functions of the Consolidating Agencies into the New Agency provides for opportunities to increase operational efficiency and effectiveness, eliminate redundancies in functions and costs, increase accessibility by consumers and industry, increase accountability, simplify the organizational structure of the Executive Branch, increase leverage of specialized expertise, facilities and technology, promote a more effective sharing of best practices and realize significant economies of scale, among other things; and
WHEREAS, the transfer of the Functions of the Consolidating Agencies into the New Agency shall not impede, disrupt or impair in any fashion any council, commission, board or other entity previously established and operating under any of the Consolidating Agencies.
THEREFORE, pursuant to the powers vested in me by Article V, Section 11 of the Illinois Constitution, I hereby order:
- Effective July 1, 2004, the New Agency shall be created and known as the "Department of Financial and Professional Regulation."
- The New Agency shall have an officer as its lead known as the Secretary who shall be responsible for all agency Functions. Appointment to this office shall be made by the Governor, by and with the advice and confirmation of the Senate. Vacancies in the office of the Secretary shall be filled pursuant to 20 ILCS 5/5-605. The Secretary of the New Agency shall receive an annual salary as set by the Governor from time to time or as set by the Compensation Review Board, as the case may be.
- The New Agency shall also have four Directors who will oversee the respective Functions of the Consolidating Agencies within the New Agency and report to the Secretary, as well as such other assistants and deputies as may be appropriate for the efficient operation of the New Agency. None of the four Directors, nor any such assistants or deputies, shall be state officers subject to Senate confirmation.
- Effective July 1, 2004, the Functions and all associated powers, duties, rights and responsibilities of the Consolidating Agencies shall be transferred to the New Agency. The statutory powers, duties, rights and responsibilities of the Consolidating Agencies associated with these Functions derive from the statutes listed in the attached Appendix.
- Whenever any provision of an Executive Order or any Act or section thereof transferred by this Executive Order provides for membership of the Director or Commissioner of any of the Consolidating Agencies on any council, commission, board or other entity, the Secretary or, at the Governor's discretion, the appropriate Director of the New Agency, or their designee(s), shall serve in that place. If more than one such person is required by law to serve on any council, commission, board or other entity, an equivalent number of representatives of the New Agency shall so serve.
The Consolidating Agencies listed in this Part III shall be abolished effective July 1, 2004. The rights, powers and duties associated with the Functions vested by law in these Consolidating Agencies, or any office, division, council, committee, bureau, board, commission, officer, employee, or associated individual, person or entity, and all rights, powers and duties of the Consolidating Agencies related to the Functions, including funding mechanisms, shall be transferred to the New Agency in accordance with Part II of this Executive Order:
- Department of Financial Institutions (20 ILCS 1205 et seq.)
- Department of Insurance (20 ILCS 1405 et seq.)
- Department of Professional Regulation (20 ILCS 2105 et seq.)
- Office of Banks and Real Estate (20 ILCS 3205 et seq.)
The powers, duties, rights and responsibilities related to the Functions and transferred by the Consolidating Agencies to the New Agency shall not be affected by this Executive Order, except that they shall all be carried out by the New Agency from the effective date of the transfers.
- The staffs of the Consolidating Agencies engaged in the performance of the Functions shall be transferred to the New Agency. The status and rights of such employees under the Personnel Code shall not be affected by the transfers. The rights of the employees, the State of Illinois and its agencies under the Personnel Code and applicable collective bargaining agreements or under any pension, retirement or annuity plan shall not be affected by this Executive Order.
- All books, records, papers, documents, property (real and personal), contracts, and pending business pertaining to the powers, duties, rights and responsibilities transferred by this Executive Order from the Consolidating Agencies to the New Agency, including but not limited to material in electronic or magnetic format and necessary computer hardware and software, shall be delivered to the New Agency.
- All unexpended appropriations and balances and other funds available for use in connection with any of the Functions shall be transferred for use by the New Agency for the Functions pursuant to the direction of the Governor. Unexpended balances so transferred shall be expended only for the purpose for which the appropriations were originally made.
- The powers, duties, rights and responsibilities related to the Functions and transferred from the Consolidating Agencies by this Executive Order shall be vested in and shall be exercised by the New Agency. Each act done in exercise of such powers, duties, rights and responsibilities shall have the same legal effect as if done by any of the Consolidating Agencies or their divisions, officers or employees.
- Every officer of the New Agency shall, for any offense, be subject to the same penalty or penalties, civil or criminal, as are prescribed by existing law for the same offense by any officer whose powers or duties were transferred under this Executive Order.
- Whenever reports or notices are now required to be made or given or papers or documents furnished or served by any person to or upon any of the Consolidating Agencies in connection with any of the Functions transferred by this Executive Order, the same shall be made, given, furnished or served in the same manner to or upon the New Agency.
- This Executive Order shall not affect any act done, ratified or canceled or any right occurring or established or any action or proceeding had or commenced in an administrative, civil or criminal cause regarding the Functions of any of the Consolidating Agencies before this Executive Order takes effect; such actions or proceedings may be prosecuted and continued by the New Agency.
- Any rules of the Consolidating Agencies that relate to the Functions, are in full force on the effective date of this Executive Order and that have been duly adopted by the Consolidating Agencies shall become the rules of the New Agency. This Executive Order shall not affect the legality of any such rules in the Illinois Administrative Code. Any proposed rules filed with the Secretary of State by the Consolidating Agencies that are pending in the rulemaking process on the effective date of this Executive Order and pertain to the Functions transferred, shall be deemed to have been filed by the New Agency. As soon as practicable hereafter, the New Agency shall revise and clarify the rules transferred to it under this Executive Order to reflect the reorganization of rights, powers and duties affected by this Order, using the procedures for recodification of rules available under the Illinois Administrative Procedures Act, except that existing title, part, and section numbering for the affected rules may be retained. The New Agency, consistent with the Consolidating Agencies' authority to do so, may propose and adopt under the Illinois Administrative Procedures Act such other rules of the Consolidating Agencies that will now be administered by the New Agency. To the extent that, prior to the effective date of the transfers, the Director or Commissioner of a Consolidating Agency had been empowered to prescribe regulations or had other rulemaking authority with respect to transferred Functions, such duties shall be exercised from and after the effective date of the transfers jointly by the Secretary and the Director responsible for the oversight of those respective Functions.
If any provision of this Executive Order or its application to any person or circumstance is held invalid by any court of competent jurisdiction, this invalidity does not affect any other provision or application of this Executive Order which can be given effect without the invalid provision or application. To achieve this purpose, the provisions of this Executive Order are declared to be severable.
Rod R. Blagojevich, Governor
Issued by Governor: March 31, 2004
Filed with Secretary of State: April 1, 2004