Executive Order Number 06-05 (PDF, 92 KB)

WHEREAS, the State of Illinois has programs for the construction of buildings, facilities, roads, and other development projects and annually acquires and disposes of lands in floodplains; and
WHEREAS, federal financial assistance for the acquisition or construction of insurable structures in all Special Flood Hazard Areas requires State participation in the National Flood Insurance Program; and
WHEREAS, the Federal Emergency Management Agency has promulgated and adopted regulations governing eligibility of State governments to participate in the National Flood Insurance Program (44 C.F.R. 59-79), as presently enacted or hereafter amended, which requires that State development activities comply with specified minimum floodplain regulation criteria; and
WHEREAS, the Presidential Interagency Floodplain Management Review Committee has published recommendations to strengthen Executive Orders and State floodplain management activities;
NOW THEREFORE, by virtue of the authority vested in me as Governor of the State of Illinois, it is hereby ordered as follows:
- For purpose of this Order:
- “Critical Facility" means any facility which is critical to the health and welfare of the population and, if flooded, would create an added dimension to the disaster. Damage to these critical facilities can impact the delivery of vital services, can cause greater damage to other sectors of the community, or can put special populations at risk. The determination of Critical Facility will be made by each agency.
Examples of critical facilities where flood protection should be required include:
Emergency Services Facilities (such as fire and police stations)
Retirement homes and senior care facilities
Major roads and bridges
Critical utility sites (telephone switching stations or electrical transformers)
Hazardous material storage facilities (chemicals, petrochemicals, hazardous or toxic substances)
Examples of critical facilities where flood protection is recommended include:
Sewage treatment plants
Water treatment plants
Pumping stations
- "Development" or "Developed" means the placement or erection of structures (including manufactured homes) or earthworks; land filling, excavation or other alteration of the ground surface; installation of public utilities; channel modification; storage of materials or any other activity undertaken to modify the existing physical features of a floodplain.
- "Flood Protection Elevation" means one foot above the applicable base flood or 100-year frequency flood elevation.
- "Office of Water Resources" means the Illinois Department of Natural Resources, Office of Water Resources.
- "Special Flood Hazard Area" or "Floodplain" means an area subject to inundation by the base or 100-year frequency flood and shown as such on the most current Flood Insurance Rate Map published by the Federal Emergency Management Agency.
- "State Agencies" means any department, commission, board or agency under the jurisdiction of the Governor; any board, commission, agency or authority which has a majority of its members appointed by the Governor; and the Governor's Office.
- “Critical Facility" means any facility which is critical to the health and welfare of the population and, if flooded, would create an added dimension to the disaster. Damage to these critical facilities can impact the delivery of vital services, can cause greater damage to other sectors of the community, or can put special populations at risk. The determination of Critical Facility will be made by each agency.
- All State Agencies engaged in any development within a Special Flood Hazard Area shall undertake such development in accordance with the following:
- All development shall comply with all requirements of the National Flood Insurance Program (44 C.F.R. 59-79) and with all requirements of 92 Illinois Administrative Code Part 700 or 92 Illinois Administrative Code Part 708, whichever is applicable.
- In addition to the requirements set forth in preceding Section A, the following additional requirements shall apply where applicable:
- All new Critical Facilities shall be located outside of the floodplain. Where this is not practicable, Critical Facilities shall be developed with the lowest floor elevation equal to or greater than the 500-year frequency flood elevation or structurally dry floodproofed to at least the 500-year frequency flood elevation.
- All new buildings shall be developed with the lowest floor elevation equal to or greater than the Flood Protection Elevation or structurally dry floodproofed to at least the Flood Protection Elevation.
- Modifications, additions, repairs or replacement of existing structures may be allowed so long as the new development does not increase the floor area of the existing structure by more than twenty (20) percent or increase the market value of the structure by fifty (50) percent, and does not obstruct flood flows. Floodproofing activities are permitted and encouraged, but must comply with the requirements noted above.
- All new Critical Facilities shall be located outside of the floodplain. Where this is not practicable, Critical Facilities shall be developed with the lowest floor elevation equal to or greater than the 500-year frequency flood elevation or structurally dry floodproofed to at least the 500-year frequency flood elevation.
- All development shall comply with all requirements of the National Flood Insurance Program (44 C.F.R. 59-79) and with all requirements of 92 Illinois Administrative Code Part 700 or 92 Illinois Administrative Code Part 708, whichever is applicable.
- State Agencies which administer grants or loans for financing development within Special Flood Hazard Areas shall take all steps within their authority to ensure that such development meets the requirements of this Order.
- State Agencies responsible for regulating or permitting development within Special Flood Hazard Areas shall take all steps within their authority to ensure that such development meets the requirements of this Order.
- State Agencies engaged in planning programs or programs for the promotion of development shall inform participants in their programs of the existence and location of Special Flood Hazard Areas and of any State or local floodplain requirements in effect in such areas. Such State Agencies shall ensure that proposed development within Special Flood Hazard Areas would meet the requirements of this Order.
- The Office of Water Resources shall provide available flood hazard information to assist State Agencies in carrying out the responsibilities established by this Order. State Agencies which obtain new flood elevation, floodway, or encroachment data developed in conjunction with development or other activities covered by this Order shall submit such data to the Office of Water Resources for their review. If such flood hazard information is used in determining design features or location of any State development, it must first be approved by the Office of Water Resources.
- State Agencies shall work with the Office of Water Resources to establish procedures of such Agencies for effectively carrying out this Order.
- Effective Date. This Order supersedes and replaces Executive Order Number 4 (1979) and shall take effect on the first day of.
Rod R. Blagojevich, Governor
Issued by Governor: March 7, 2006
Filed with Secretary of State: March 7, 2006